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Laura gets sidetracked…

July 21, 2010

Man doing Man stuff.

The floor is being a bit of a problem. Laying ply on top of insulation didn’t work. So that all came up.  Then we spent a while wondering if self-levellin’ resin would solve the tracking problem.  As fun as it is to say it’s not the answer.  Now the angle grinder has come out to see if  it can get the  tracks out. If this works  (please please let it work) we will then have to fill the gaps, rust treat them and sand it all down.

Its time consuming but one way or another we  have a beautifully flat floor.

So while Slim is playing with machinery  I thought I would write an entry about the other things that have happened with Big Trev.

Emily & Melissa's Wedding 21 June 2010

He made an appearance at a wedding near  Thame- I believe this isn’t the only appearance he made in wedding photos- and played taxi (& Slim taxi driver) to drunken wedding  guest taking it in turns to wear horses head  mask. If you are confused imagine  how  the poor lorry drivers on the M4 felt.

He has also been camping to a field in Hampshire (Bishop’s Green Farm) and met some of the Sharratt clan where he almost (but not quite) managed to steal the thunder from William at his 1st birthday party.

Arriving in the post sometime this week!

And I have been looking at pretty things on the internet and have  received a lot of emails from Slim telling me that ‘no  that very flowery kitsch duvet  cover/sofa cushion fabric/ random cute tat is not going  in Big Trev’.

The flowery camping mugs with lids were a hit though and will be arriving anyday now!

Coming up there is a trip to the Tovey’s and a camping trip to Kitts Cottage Campsite  in  Sussex.

Keep your fingers crossed for the floor and hopefully next time we post the beautiful vinyl will have been laid…

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Mrs Robinson permalink
    July 26, 2010 1:12 pm

    I actually cannot wait to see what happens next. You can park big Trev in a field near us any time he is a beast.

  2. nic permalink
    July 27, 2010 10:06 am

    Manchester also would very much like to make Big Trev’s aquaintance some time … just don’t park him in our street! Or do and get him a MagnaVolt security system from Robocop 2 – that would be super ace!

  3. Emily permalink
    July 27, 2010 12:07 pm

    Ah nice picture! You can just make out big trev behind Melissa’s head haha

  4. August 1, 2010 8:33 am

    Love the mugs. What is the web address for the duvet covers?!! Neighbours all came to ask if Peter was all right after Big Trev’s visit!!

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